Welcome to the AHHS PTSO!
The Mule Market for the 2024-2025 school year is open!
To join the PTSO or to shop at the Mule Market, all AHHS families MUST register to create an account on this website. (Registering with the Membership Toolkit website is NOT the same as joining the PTSO! You can join the PTSO in the Mule Market.) If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another Alamo Heights PTO, you can use the same login here. After registering, you will receive an email verification that you have to complete before you can log in. Once you verify your email, log in and complete your family information and online directory preferences. (This does NOT affect the information in the printed district directory.)
Click the button below to register with the site.
2024-2025 PTSO Board
PTSO Membership
By joining the PTSO, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board—you set a fine example for our students to follow and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.

The Mule Pages Directory is the biggest fundraising event for the AHHS PTSO. ALL money collected directly supports AHHS teachers and students. The printed Mule Pages is a prominent resource on the desks of families throughout Alamo Heights/Olmos Park and the only directory that includes families from ALL Alamo Heights campuses.
You can help support our AHHS PTSO in one of two ways:
- Purchase ad space
- Purchase a directory
To purchase an ad or get more information for your business, complete the Google Form. Ad Prices are $550 for a full page or $350 for a half page. Directories can be purchased through your campus Mule Market for $25 beginning in August. If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Clifton (210-887-1492) or Melissa Chalfant (619-846-8217).
Thank you to our outgoing PTSO board!

We would love to have your help!
Would you like to volunteer?
Fill out this Volunteer Form, and we will contact you.
If you are interested, email Sandra Hawkins at ahhshebcards@gmail.com for more information.